Arthroscopic surgery, which comes from the Greek words “arthros” (joint) and “scopos” (to look), is a surgical procedure that allows surgeons to view the inside of joints and surrounding spaces. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure often utilized to confirm a diagnosis made by physical examination and imaging studies. Surgeons also perform surgical procedures – repairs, reconstructions, etc – using arthroscopic visualization.
During an arthroscopic procedure, a thin fiber optic light, a magnifying lens, and a tiny television camera are inserted into the injured joint through small incisions, allowing Dr. Millstein to examine the joint in great detail. Additional small incisions are usually necessary for inserting arthroscopic instruments during surgery. Common sports injuries treated with arthroscopic surgery include rotator cuff and ligament tears in the shoulder, as well as meniscus tears and ACL injuries in the knee.
In general, patients recover quickly and experience less post-operative pain. In nearly all cases, patients are able to return home the very same day as their procedure is performed. Because it is minimally invasive, arthroscopy offers many benefits to the patient over traditional surgery:
- Minimal cutting of muscles or tendons
- Less bleeding during surgery
- Lower risk of complications
- Less scarring
- Smaller incisions
- Out-patient surgery
- Less post-operative pain
- Faster and more comfortable rehabilitation
Each year, thousands of people undergo arthroscopic surgery because it offers less risk to patients and remarkable results. When performed by a skilled orthopedic specialist, such as Dr. Millstein, this innovative procedure can help alleviate pain and improve your quality of life greatly.
If you would like to schedule a consultation with Beverly Hills orthopedic surgeon Dr. Millstein, give us a call at (310) 595-1030 today!