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Shoulder Revision Surgery Los Angeles


Shoulder revision surgery is also known as shoulder arthroplasty or shoulder replacement. Over the years, there has been an increased number of shoulder replacements parts used during shoulder revision surgery, which has in turn led to an increased number of adjustments needed to be made to these prosthetic parts. Occasionally, the primary procedure for a shoulder replacement fails, leading to a need for a shoulder revision. The positive thing is that treatment options are readily available.

Shoulder Revision Surgery Los Angeles

Revision surgery can be a very complicated procedure with many factors to consider before the procedure is performed. Even more complex are the results, which can be hard to predict. Each surgery is treated on an individual basis since every case of shoulder revision is different.A host of problems can be alleviated with shoulder revision surgery in Los Angeles

A host of problems can be alleviated with shoulder revision surgery in Los Angeles including: rotator cuff tears, instability, joint contracture, glenoid loosening, scapular bone loss, and humeral loosening. While component revision is usually a necessary part of the shoulder revision surgery, the severity and type of symptoms are the basis for treatment.

The initial assessment of a replaced shoulder with pain and weakness includes the following questions:

  • Is the shoulder infected?
  • Is the shoulder unstable, and if so, why?
  • Is the shoulder worn, and if so, why?
  • Is the shoulder loosened, and if so, why?
  • How is the rotator cuff functioning?

If you have had a shoulder replacement and are suffering pain and or weakness in the shoulder area, see Dr. Eric Milstein for the possibility of shoulder revision surgery in Los Angeles. Dr. Millstein can take care of all of your needs, assess your shoulder, and help you understand why the first replacement needs a revision. Call (310) 595-1030 today to schedule an appointment.

Next, learn about rotator cuff repair.

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